Lacona ny county
Lacona ny county

So how is My State MLS different from those other sites? My State MLS is different because it is not a typical real estate feed. You know if you've been looking on the internet for homes in Lacona, Oswego County, New York (NY) that there are many different sites that allow you access to MLS listings. Resources that protect consumer rights, help with legal services and provide information on public s.My State MLS Helps You Find Properties in Lacona, NY Resources that help people access social groups and activities in their communities including commun. Resources that help meet financial needs by helping people find and sustain employment, enroll in pu. Resources that provide medical and/or supportive services for people with disabilities or behavioral. Resources that provide survival level services including food, housing, material goods, transportati.


See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your results. Use the location bar above to find providers of these services in your area. Click on a category in the menu below to learn more about it. The Category Search is arranged by topic.

  • Transitioning from a care facility, institution, or hospital.
  • Finding services and supports related to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender community.
  • Finding support groups related to Parenting and Family.
  • Finding support groups related to Youth and Students.
  • Finding child care for children with chronic conditions or special needs.
  • Learning needs in school for a child age 5 to 21.
  • Finding services for a child age 3 to 5 with a disability or developmental delay that may affect learning.
  • lacona ny county

  • Finding services for a child under 3 with a disability or developmental delay.
  • Concerns about delays in learning to talk, walk, or crawl or other developmental milestones for a baby or child.
  • Paying for clothing and household items.
  • Paying for health care services and supports.
  • Finding support groups related to Bereavement.
  • Finding support groups related to Parent/Family.
  • Finding Support Groups related to Care-giving or Receiving, Parent/Family, and Bereavement.
  • Grandparents or other relatives caring for children.
  • Caring for a loved one, including providing care or finding respite.
  • Support groups related to substance use/addiction.
  • lacona ny county

    Support groups related to mental health.Support groups related to health/disabilties.Finding Support Groups related to Health, Disabilities, Substance Abuse and Addiction.Finding services and supports related to confusion, memory loss, or dementia.Finding hospice services, palliative care, or planning end of life care.Addressing substance abuse or addiction.Addressing anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns.Services and supports related to hearing, hearing impairment, or deafness.

    lacona ny county

    Finding services and supports related to seeing, vision, impairment, or blindness.

    lacona ny county

  • Finding nursing services, occupational, physical, or speech therapy.
  • Making the house more accessible (grab bars, ramps), getting adaptive equipment, getting assistive devices, or environmental modifications.
  • Leaving the house (going to appointments, grocery shopping, running errands) or other transportation needs.
  • Organizing medicine, remembering to take or taking medicine.
  • Housekeeping, cooking or preparing meals.
  • Is there a need for help with any of the following:.

  • Lacona ny county